Google Maps Dataset

Get actionable business data, find customers, and track competitors with our Google Maps dataset

Option:  10K Google Maps Dataset


Google Maps Dataset

Get actionable business data, find customers, and track competitors with our Google Maps dataset

  • Over 30.5 million records available
  • Accurate location based data from Google Maps
  • Free Google Maps data samples for download in JSON or CSV

Google Maps Data Points

Google Maps data points include: timestamp, name, category, address, description, Open website, phone number, open hours, open hours updated, reviews count, rating, main image, reviews, url, lat, lon, place id, country, and more.

Can I get updates for my purchased Google Maps dataset?

Yes, you can get updates to your Google Maps dataset on a daily, weekly, monthly, or custom basis.

Can I purchase a subset of the Google Maps dataset?

Yes, you can purchase a Google Maps subset that will include only the data points you need. By purchasing a subset, cost is reduced substantially.

How companies use Google Maps datasets

Competitor analysis

Understand your competitors with the Google Maps dataset & locate prospects and improve CRM with people & jobs datasets. Leverage Google Maps datasets to locate competitors, understand them with reviews and ratings data.

Geo location market analysis

Google Maps dataset provides a wealth of location-based information that empowers businesses to gain valuable insights for location marketing strategies. By leveraging this dataset, businesses can analyze user behavior, identify popular destinations, and optimize their marketing efforts to target specific locations with precision.

Optimized marketing strategy

Use the Google Maps dataset to develop marketing strategies and sales outreach. Find businesses all over the world with their details, ratings and reviews to zero-in on potential customers and competitors.